The Landing Workshop | Secure Checkout Page

Limited Time Check-out Window

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Choose a pricing option:

  • Preferred optionLanding Workshop Single Payment ($7k)
  • Preferred optionLanding Workshop Payment Plan ($8k over 4 months)
  • Preferred optionWeekly Mastermind Access ($3k/mo ongoing)
  • Preferred optionOne-On-One Payment Plan ($16k over 6 months)
  • Preferred optionOne-On-One Coaching ($12k)

Payment information:

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

100% safe & secure

I acknowledge that I understand the Money-Back Guarantee is at LANDER's sole discretion and that I must provide proof of applying the Landing Workshop material in my own business to receive a refund if I request one within 30 days of today. I commit to applying what I learn in my business as soon as possible so I see real results I'll be proud to share! By making this purchase, I confirm that I've read, fully understand, and accept the terms of service at in full.
I agree